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Katie's Books

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Always Been Mine: The Moreno Brothers #2
Elizabeth Reyes
Pride and Prejudice
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Grimm's Fairy Tales
Elizabeth Dalton, Jacob Grimm, Wilhelm Grimm, Ludwig Emil Grimm
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel
Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman

The Secret Garden Review

The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett

This is a story about Mary, who moves in with her uncle after her parents die. She’s pretty unlikeable and doesn’t really like anything either, and the book is mostly about her getting over this and learning to love. She grows up and grows stronger as she uncovers the secrets of the house she lives in, including a secret garden and a boy named Colin.


I loved this book so much. The characters were amazing and I began to love them all, even the ones I didn’t at first. I enjoyed that I could feel so much for some of the characters who were barely in the book, such as Dickon’s mom. She was described to be loved even by those who did not know her, and since we did not actually see her until later in the story I was able to experience this. I liked her just by hearing of her a few times, before being able to ‘meet’ her with Mary and Colin.


Character development was really great as well, especially with Mary and Colin. I didn’t like Mary much at the beginning, but she pulled through at the end and I loved watching her learn and grow through the story. I liked the way it was told as well; you get to read not only what the characters think, but what they don’t know as well, things they don’t realize. I think it adds more depth to the story.


This has become a favorite and one I will probably re-read in the future. I definitely would recommend it to anyone.